
@SandraCorton  ok so this is my question. You've kind of touched on how the dragons will have to mate now, but can you elaborate more. Like Millie experienced an accelerated  human  pregnancy but, for the shedragons, will their pregnancy be the same since typically they lay eggs. 


@Lolapops Thanks for a brilliant idea that I hadn't considered. I think this one will be answered in the epilogue.


@SandraCorton  ok so this is my question. You've kind of touched on how the dragons will have to mate now, but can you elaborate more. Like Millie experienced an accelerated  human  pregnancy but, for the shedragons, will their pregnancy be the same since typically they lay eggs. 


@Lolapops Thanks for a brilliant idea that I hadn't considered. I think this one will be answered in the epilogue.


@Max_24 Thank you for the message. Very few authors personally thank their followers, I admire that. I think you are a great writer and can't wait to continue reading your works. Have a good day and may you be blessed with tons of inspiration. ;)