
Hey wattpaders ^^ Feel free to give a shout-out to your stories (fanfiction or original) here - as long as they don’t display highly mature scenes, erotics or anything against Wattpad-rules. Don’t forget to add a link!


Hey! I’ve been working on a story called Destined Heart ( ), and I’d love for you to check it out.  
          If you do read it, I’d be so grateful for your thoughts and feedback! Reviews or comments mean a lot and really help me grow as a writer.  
          If it’s not something you’re interested in, no worries at all—feel free to ignore  or remove this message!  
          Thanks so much for your support, and happy reading!  


Habe gerade zum ungefähr 5. Mal die „Reise des Löwen" gelesen, da es einer meiner Lieblings Werke ist. Daher eine Frage: Schreibst du eine Fortsetzung? Ich würde zu gerne wissen wie es mit Kaspian und Luna weitergeht. 


@Lolasue werde ich auf jeden Fall auch lesen. Was denkst du wann du ungefähr die Fortsetzung veröffentlichen wirst?


@yjbkg9czjvprivaterel Mach ich gerne! Vorübergehend ist "Journey of Trust | A Narnian Story" mein Projekt. Es ist ein Rewrite von "Die Reise des Löwen" und wird, denke ich, etwas weitergehen. Also, falls dir bis dahin langweilig ist ^^


Das ist kein Problem, ich spreche zum Glück fließend Englisch  Würde mich freuen wenn du mir Bescheid gibst wann es weitergeht und wann du die ersten Kapitel veröffentlichst ☺️


Thank you so much for following our account ❤️ We hope you find some usage from us!  Our main way of helping the community is through our five book clubs.  If you want a quick overview of them, you can find one in the Book Club Guide chapter of our book, Dreamland Community.  Clubs are a great way to gain new readers!  If you are in search of a community where you can talk and interact with other writers, you may be interested in our discord!  You can find the link at the bottom of this message.  
          Aside from that, our Dreamland Reviews and Dreamland Help book are great for improving your writing.  Please forgive our slowness in updating though.  If your story needs any graphics such as covers or banners, we also have our Dreamland Graphics book!
          Even if you don't utilize any of our services, we are very glad to have you as a follower! We hope you have the best Wattpad experience possible. If you have any questions for us, don't hesitate to ask, whether here, in one of our books, or in pms! 
          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team
          Discord Link:


Hey wattpaders ^^ Feel free to give a shout-out to your stories (fanfiction or original) here - as long as they don’t display highly mature scenes, erotics or anything against Wattpad-rules. Don’t forget to add a link!