
Next chapter of Broken is on the way, this one titled "Night Guard". Theories, anyone?


Do any of you ever feel like you're the side characters in your own life? Like you exist only to be a side character to others? 


@Lolbit-the-Silly I feel like I relate to side characters


@Lolbit-the-Silly probably. You are the main character of your life.


@SaintFeliciel oh. . . So it's just me, then.


Alright. Guys, it's time for a change. I know what I want. I'm gonna change my profile and roleplay character. Now, this specific character. . . When I've seen them roleplayed in the past, the person role-playing them is constantly called a furry. The truth is . . . A little more complicated.
          I shall be changing my character to the clickteam redesign of Lolbit because I love it. Sorry not sorry, but I really enjoy Lolbit and their character so much. Love y'all, thanks. 


this message may be offensive
Alright, guys. Time for me to get my thoughts out. 
          Women are treated better than men. Very controversial, I am aware. However, let me speak. Most women take feminism as degrading men, which a lot of non-male society is okay with. But, men can't degrade a woman because that's sexist and not okay. The only difference between the two is gender. I saw a reddit post from a man who had been raped. It talked about how he had searched for help and was unable to find any, essentially told to 'man up', and then left alone. But all the ways he searched for help offered that help towards women. Men can be raped too. I saw a comedy skit where it talks about how a woman could go up to a man and his son and say, 'Oh, he's so cute. I'm coming back for him when he's 18, save him for me.' Then walk away. However, the skit continues. He then dares any man in the room to do that to a woman and her daughter, the man would be escorted out. Women want to be treated equally? Well then, they're going to like it less. Just like how a shoulder is turned when a black person is racist towards a white person, because yes, that's possible, but when a white person is racist towards a black, that's not okay. White men, such as myself, are treated worse in today's society, and I'm sick and tired of people pretending they aren't.
          That's my TedTalk. Thank you. 


@Hero-of-the-Kingdom it's good to see some real sense being spoken


@Hero-of-the-Kingdom I agree, I have thought about this a lot.


I just had a wild thought. Lesbian Mangle. 


@SaintFeliciel, thank you for understanding. You are doing things right, my friend. You are not trying to force your religion on people or anything like that, and that makes you so much better than you know. So many times have I met homophobic people, and they try to 'fix' me. But you can't fix what isn't broken, and I think you understand that perfectly. That's an amazing thing.


@overlordHuskofficial Great! I'm very happy for you.