
@VotedMostHated haha not possible xx


Hey, thanks for the follow. :) If you ever need anything, feel free to PM this fellow geek.


@LollieLips I don't think I have to confess though, lol. It's too obvious. ;)


@drwhogivesadamn hahaha you're more than welcome ;P its nice to know I'm not the only self confessed geek ;)


Hey cutie,  thanx for the Follow. Now if you are reading "A Walk in the Countryside" and can not access Part 4, let me know and i will send you the link.
          Yeah, it seems my story was given a "R" rating (and part 4 a "private" rating. . . grrr! 
          Yeah, like they don't believe we girls think like that . . .or even do those things some times. . . .hey, guess again guys. . .    :)


Hey Ash~~Don't know if you are ready for romance with some light erotica. ( Really don't want to push you out of your comfort zone). But if you are (or even just a little more adventurous now that summer has come to an end):
          Read "A Walk in the Countryside" 

          [Hint: For best results, better read this one in bed]  :)


@VotedMostHated aw! Stop babe or ur gonna make me blush ;) and missy your awesome at writing too! Also.....YAY!!!!!!!! I can't w8 to talk to you on pm instead of on my message board lol I have so many messages on this thing it's kinda crazy and ofc u can do my bio :D I think my password is still the same...if it's not, message me once u get ur laptop and I'll tell ya :D love ya gorgeous xxx