For the official post and image, here:
Hey! Today is my birthday!!! And it's the first time I share it with so many wonderful people! Let's party, as fluffy and sweet as a party can be!
And you know how we can party? Well... go and interact!!! There's so many of you, and yet very few people stop to share a thought! I love your comments, and if you have anything to say, any opinion to give, any suggestion and feedback on what you like, what you don't like, or what I could do better, please go ahead and write me something! Either under this post, or any picture or story that you want! I read everything!
Yes, I'm talking to you, who read all my posts and like my stuff, but is too shy to say anything... don't be! Go ahead and join this amazing party!
If instead you want to make me a little present, showing your support and appreciation for my work, helping me towards getting some commissions, and just showing that you care that I keep sharing my fluff with the world, the link is always the same, to my Ko-fi page!
You can gift me how much you feel like just once, or decide to become a member, and get access to a bunch of extra images and stories. Whatever works! If you want to make me a little birthday present, that's how you can!
See you soon, everyone! And as always, remember to enjoy the fluff!!!!