I have a friend that when she's tipsy or drunk, she wants to be with me, clinging to me like never want to let go of me but when she's completely sober, she's so distant from me and she's more close with our other friends. Idk what should I feel about this.

@CamEElaCabeYo23 lmao I keep thinking about this tho but I also think and keep to myself that she's like that to me when she's drunk and I'll be like that to her and when she's distant when she's sober I'll be like that too, like reciprocating her energy cus if i keep thinking about it, that thought will keep on my mind circling forever.

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Lol straight girls has the gayest shit they do with each other that even the actual gays can't(that's just for me). For example, my cousin has 2 girl best friends, they do bestie things like the usual, hang out, roadtrip, sleepovers. They do mostly spend their sleepovers at my cousin's house. One time my cousin told me that her mom and her elder sis asked her why they take shower together and spend like hours in there to finish and she said like, "d'you know why the three of us take showers together and like we took longer than the usual? Cus we measuring our boobs with each other? Like Hannah would cup my boobies and mine or hers to Ella or Ella and mine" I was like ksbsjwhzjw inside of me

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@LoloCamziiXXVII Its shit aint it. Gays have been classed as paedos for so long that it makes us feel uncomfortable to do stuff straight people do

@CamEElaCabeYo23 yea i know that's why only few friends only knew that I'm Bi, knew means I told them and I know most of them have already a hunch on my sexuality. My straight guy friends, kinda know I think but they treat me the same like before, the only thing I'm being cautious about is the straight girls, tho some of them know I'm bi, they treat me like before they know I'm bi, sometimes there were were some playfights, like boob grab or butt slap but if they do that to me I don't do it back to them, i myself is uncomfortable doing that to them and I don't want them to think(esp to those who knew) that I'm taking advantage to touch them like they would think I'm a pervert. I know that they would accept my sexuality but I can't avoid thinking that like at the point where what close minded people think about queer people as pervert, predators etc they would think about that to me too the second i do those "playfights" to them.

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@LoloCamziiXXVII I mean it could be totally normal to shower with a mate but thr second they find out your gay they could totally twist that shit n make out you was checkin them out even if you wasnt. I know guys that seem to compare their sizes to each other lol. Ive shared a toilet cubicle with a male friend at a gay bar but he was straight n i made him turn around lol. I did have 2 friends that just whipped their boobs out to show me their nipple piercings and a girl at work whipped hers out in the staff room to show me hers n they knew i was pans. I think sometimes they just want attention lol

Not my dad saying that he'll vote for a homophobic person who's running for president this coming election. :-| and he's amazed by this person before he became a politician/public servant, because he's a world title holder in a certain sport. That presidential candidate has good intentions for economy and auch but he's homophobic, that one time he says that if he won for presidency he'll execute all LGBTQ. My dad doesn't know that one of his children is a part of that community. :-|

@LaurenSshire i don't like him either, i only said that he has good intentions for economy cus he has ideas and plans for the country if ever. But also i saw in his debates that he's not that good in answering them, im not impressed as well. Ikr? Like what did LGBTQ people do to make you hate them? Because of what you believe that they are wrong because of what your religion or the Bible says? I can't imagine if he ever won(which i don't hope for him to win) and people in LGBTQ are his target and we couldn't get the freedom we want and we fought for years.

@LoloCamziiXXVII I don't like him tbh :/ I watched all the debates and I'm honestly not impressed by him and he didn't stand out for me. He really should know how to seperate religion and politics...

I need some book recommendations, gxg, wlw, teacherxstudent, or anything just wlw thanksssa

Nothing is more attractive than an empowered woman, like the VP and her 3 daughters? Ugh I've never been so admired and sure with government officials before but VP Leni is DAAYYYUUUMM, my vote for president is already locked and that's for you President Leni AAAAAAAHHHH

@LaurenSshire idk who's who her daughters are, idk which is Tricia, which is Aika but i know Jillian, she's the most favorite lol but DAAAMN the family thooo like Hopefully and I'm sure President Leni will win!

@LoloCamziiXXVII FR and her daughters especially doc. Tricia is so pretty too AAAAAAA. I really hope they win <3

I always buy my mom's medicine in a pharmacy which one of the pharmacist looks like Ellie Chu in The Half Of It like aaaahh she's cute lol

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I'm watching Moana again and it's really upsetting that Dinah Jane didn't get the role of Moana because of fucking trash Epic It's not that the actress who got the role is not good or best, she's amazing tbh but fucking epic ruined the opportunity for Dinah to showcase her other talent/s.

Camila listens to GIRL IN RED?!?! YO! UHMMM Girlie ain't subtle

Is oblivious Lauren in fic comes to life? Looool she recently tweeted about why she never know if a woman is flirting with or or just kind of affectionate kind of person loool she's asking that like she didn't create generations of gays because of her lmaoooo Ma'am if i had the chance to talk to you in person I'll flirt with you of course but I'll be dying myself trying to be so obvious with my flirting until you realize that i was literally flirting with you