I used to call myself a stupid person, but that has changed... Starting, now! 
My name is Londie Rene and i'm 13 years old with a long past. I'm weird, clumsy and not too serious but sometimes i am serious. I like to draw, play games, read, write, sleep, eat ,watch anime and, listen to music. Oh, i also forgot to mention that i watch movies... a lot of movies... My favorite color is grey, favorite band is 21 pilots for now,
favorite song for now is car radio. that concludes this weird quirky intro. GoodBye my fellow humans.
  • InscritDecember 18, 2014

Histoire par Londie_Rene19
The Tail of Never Ending time par Londie_rene19
The Tail of Never Ending time
The tail of a fairy tale, modern times and a hint of my life as well.
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