
Just got home and got things unpacked. I’ll be replying to you all slowly but surely but please move patient, I’ve still got a lot to do before I’ll have time to sit down and consistently reply today.


Hey guys. So, as none of you know, I’m almost completely out of data and I’m camping. I come back on Wednesday but I can’t remembers exactly when my data resets, so I’ll see you in a few days. Also going off due to me getting lazy with replies. Someone was nice enough to point it out to me so thank them for me. Love you all, sorry for no replies, and I’m sorry for anyone else I’ve annoyed or pissed off. Please tell me this kinda stuff before just ignoring me. Thanks


Oh sorry. I think we’re confuzzling each other XD


@LonelyWolf196 what? No, you said on wwnsday you'd be home. I posted that on tuesday.