i hope you managed to get tickets to see loreen on tour again with your friend! you deserve it! all the best and much love. know that i'm always rooting for you and that you cross my mind from time to time. many warm hugs, xx

@LongLostTrust i hope college is going well. don't overwork yourself, despite the hurdles or stress. remember to take care of your mind and body, and listen to your energy so you know what you need. hope you managed to snatch a ticket after all! sending all my love and all my best to you, always. xx

@-TRANSCENDENCE- awh stop it, youre so sweet!! i haven't been on wattpad in so long because college started taking over my life but it's really sweet to hear from you :') i hope you are doing well <3 i did not get tickets but i'm sure they won't be too hard to find online!