
Ahn-yong-hay-say-oh, Loocy.  I'm  so  delighted  that  a  girl  from Seoul  has found  my  stories . 
          Thank you  ever  so  much  for  adding  Risking  All  for  Love  to  your  reading  list .  
          Years  before I   reported to the US Army at Yong-San and sent me to Camp Casey at  Tong-du-chan,  I  was a school  teacher . 
          My story Risking All  for  Love  begins at Holy  Cross  Mission  in  the  remote  village  of  Bolahun ,  Liberia ,  where  I  served  as  a  Peace  Corps  Volunteer before  becoming  a  soldier.
          My experiences  in  Africa  are  woven  into  my  narrative, and  real  people  have  inspired  my  characters .  
          For  reasons  of  nostalgia  I  included  myself  and the first  names of people  who  served there at Holy  Cross  Mission  with me  in the  Prologue . 
          In  the  mission tea room my friends  and I  are  discussing  Baby  Margaux  the night  after  she was left at the monastery.
          I was the  character  known  as  Perk . 
          Enjoy  my  story.
          It's  nice  to  meet  you .  