
Good morning/night/afternoon/evening or whenever this may find you. Yesterday was Scott and Lizzie's birthday, they would've turned 14. I've thought about taking the account down today, but it's too important to me to delete, so I'll be keeping her account up. This account will no longer be active (not that it hasn't been for months) but it will still stay up. Remember everyone, life is too precious to end, and it'd be eliminating the chance for it to get better, so keep living. And please, please, remember to be careful on stairs, going up or down. Thank you all, and goodbye.


@LookADistraction I'm here anytime if you need me, I'm glad you're okay, and thank you for staying strong <3 Happy birthday to them both <3


Good morning/night/afternoon/evening or whenever this may find you. Yesterday was Scott and Lizzie's birthday, they would've turned 14. I've thought about taking the account down today, but it's too important to me to delete, so I'll be keeping her account up. This account will no longer be active (not that it hasn't been for months) but it will still stay up. Remember everyone, life is too precious to end, and it'd be eliminating the chance for it to get better, so keep living. And please, please, remember to be careful on stairs, going up or down. Thank you all, and goodbye.


@LookADistraction I'm here anytime if you need me, I'm glad you're okay, and thank you for staying strong <3 Happy birthday to them both <3


eliza made a sim version of lizzie, if you want to see what she looked like in real life. the book is published on this account now. thanks! 


@Im_a_human06 thanks ill tell eliza you said so


My best friend Eliza and I are currently writing about Lizzie's life. Since the only thing I know how to do with this app is how to post messages and log in and out, Eliza is publishing it on her account. Lizzie was really open about her personal life on her other account, but she wasn't as much on this one. In the book, of you decide to read it, there might be some things you've already read and some things you haven't. 
          If you want to know a bit more about Lizzie's life and what lead up to her slipping down our god damn stairs, Eliza is publishing it later today. Here's the thing to her account if you have no clue who I'm talking about


Hey everyone. This is Lizzie's older brother, Finn. I'm sorry to tell you all that Lizzie passed away a few weeks ago. She slipped down our stairs and broke her neck. She didn't make it through the night. She had just gotten out of a mental hospital. She's up there with Scott and Noah now. 
          I thought I'd tell you all in case someone noticed her absence. Thank you all for being super kind and supportive to her. 
          I want to shut down her account but I can't figure out how to. Her account might not be up for much longer. Thank you all again.


@LookADistraction Got it, mate. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Stay strong. Luv ya, buddy


@lonely_but_not_al0ne Since when did you get an account, lol
            Thanks, Eliza. I figured you forgot :P I'll call you tomorrow, sounds good?


@LookADistraction Finn, I'm so sorry that that's happened. Becca told me about it, and I was going to call but you know me... I forgot. I promise to call soon, okay mate? Tell your family to hang in there ❤️❤️


If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral for long ... 
          I would be in jail for stabbing the person who killed you to death, for sneaking into your funeral when I was supposed to be in jail
          We are true friends! 
          Send this to everyone you care about
          Let's see how many people are willing to commit murder for you UWU
          TiLL dEAtH Do Us APaRt! Ngl, even death couldn't
          Once you read this letter, send it to 15 people
          If you get 3 back you are loved and needed.
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it.
          If you break this chain, it means you're PLotTiNG! 
          With love, send this to the 15 people.
          Good luck!
          Stay positive and healthy! ❤️♥️~
          Also, cute profile picture <33


@Im_a_human06 thank you! She would've appreciated it


If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral for long ... 
          I would be in jail for stabbing the person who killed you to death, for sneaking into your funeral when I was supposed to be in jail
          We are true friends! 
          Send this to everyone you care about
          Let's see how many people are willing to commit murder for you UWU
          TiLL dEAtH Do Us APaRt! Ngl, even death couldn't
          Once you read this letter, send it to 15 people
          If you get 3 back you are loved and needed.
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it.
          If you break this chain, it means you're PLotTiNG! 
          With love, send this to the 15 people.
          Good luck!
          Stay positive and healthy! ❤️♥️~


@EdgeFoxy thank you! She would've appreciated it


this message may be offensive
*KnOcK kNocK*
          MOSHi MOSHi~!
          Now you shall post it on your friends' wall because why not? Lol.
          1-2 Holy shit people love you, tf-
          3-4 Holy fucking shit, YOU ARE THAT AMAZING? WOAH, YOU DESERVE IT!!!
          5-6 AYE AYE AYE, I give you a kith KITH KITH, you talented person 
          9+ Oh my god, you're the most beautiful person in this intergalactic universe field with stars that shine like you!
          You're amazing, never doubt that, even when you're in your saddest times. I'm here for you uwu