
من عَرض البَالي خَاصتها لرهِينة بين أحضان زعِيم مافِـيا ايطالية ❤️‍.. روَاية كُتبت بأنامل مغربِية و لهْجة عَامية ✨.
          الهوس .. الكَـاتبة : malak_athh


Hey, Dancin
          I loved your works on Lumity, and I agree with some comments, asking if you are one of the writers of the show - the characters are amazingly attuned with their personalities from the series and I love it. I wanted to ask you for a permission to translate your works into my language and post them, with all the links to your profile and original works, of course. I can give you the links so you can check this as well, just ask.
          I would really love to do this, because it would spread awareness about awesome english works throughout my community, but I won't, if you have any objections.


Hey, @LookForwardToWinter , here it is. Right now it's only that one, but I am going to translate all your works, at least for TOH for sure. 
            Reviews are at the very very bottom.
            You can find future translations by simply clicking my nickname. In about a week there will be something new, either OWOT or Back to school. I hope it would be more popular than that one, cos i feel kinda embarrassed, for now.


@BlueCatRaptor0 Of course, you can! It would be my honor! And I'm very happy to see you enjoyed it so. Send me the link when it's up as I'll be interested in seeing what others have to say, although with a translator at the side probably lol. Thank you for reading!


I absolutely love your Lumity fanfiction I first read it all on then when I discovered it here it was the best day cause now I know I won’t miss an update 


@Swanson_Survivalists It fills me with joy to know people like you are enjoying my story! Thank you for your kind words!