Eat ass, smoke grass and skate fast, gamers. Back at it again for my yearly update to assure you all that I am, in fact, alive. Hope you all are also still alive and having a fresh n’ funky time. I would shout out my twitter and stuff but honestly that account is also kinda disgraceful. In case anyone is interested, as it’s sometimes fascinating to see how people have grown, I am now mainly active on Twitter. I’m a digital artist and I think I first started making digital art at around the time this account was reaching its peak activity. I still wouldn’t say I’m that good, but I hope I’m progressing in my skill! I can see that I definitely have from the stuff I drew while being active here. With writing, I’m very busy with school and art that I don’t often get time to dedicate effort into creating long stories, but I try to improve my skills by doing writing exercises every now and again. I hope that maybe in the future I can sort my time out better so I can write properly - I have a few story ideas I’d like to get down on paper and develop a bit. I hope you all are doing alright and taking care of yourselves. I don’t know how many of my followers are still active, but I still wish you a happy life regardless. If any of you do see this, it would be nice to get a reply on how someone else has been since I started becoming less active on this account. Seriously, even if I don’t know you too well, or at all, tell me how your life has been. Love you all :) -Lemons (since that is apparently what I used to go by here)

Wait, HOLD UP I made this account 3 YEARS AGO?? Damn, feels like a lot longer. Character progression at its finest :)