
How can they say I have no reason not to smile
          When they have all had love before?
          Yet every time I've been somewhat close
          Its slipped like sand through my fingers
          Leaving me with yet another heart ache
          They say I have no reason to be so bitter
          Why should I change for the ones who've already gotten their love?
          I hate being alone, I long for the feeling of someones love.
          Yet I already know that however close I get to having love
          I'll always end up falling further then I had before
          Never having the security of always having someone to be with me
          Or at least the memory of the love that we shared.
          All I've ever wanted is for someone to care.
          Not that it matters how I feel,never has,never will.
          I'm just another bitter gem to them
          Just broken inside and left to feel this internal pain
          I am what I'll always be
          Unlovable that's me
          A thing that never will change for it is who I am
          Never to be wanted for long
          Never to be kept or treated with love
          Just something so easy to throw away
          Unlovable......that's me
          Maybe one day they'll say
          there's something lovable about me
          But that day will never happen so I guess I'm just
          Unlovable and that's what I'll always be
          Song Lyrics:By me
          Art By:Cullen Bryant