
Only have two more days of school and they are fun days


Did anyone else see OUAT tonight???  I did and loved it!  Can't wait till next week on ONCE DAY!!!! 


@madhatterandcat I loved it so much. Was so happy for CaptinSwan! 




Thanks for following fellow Oncer! I am a Christian aswell :)


U r welcome. IDK if you have but I haven't seen the sixth season yet causey TV isn't allowing OUAT right now cause of football. It makes me sad, so rn I'm just reaching season 1-5 until season 6 comes out on DVD. Anyway, your welcome .


Ok so I just wanna thank everyone (2k people)  for reading my book "WILL YOU STAY WITH ME?". Monday off then address ghost readers(who don't comment vote or follow) but I mean I was for a while till I realized people like encouragement. Thx again. Bye. 


ok so I highly recommend you go see Hacksaw Ridge.  I just saw it and OMG it was the best movie I have seen in forever. it was gory and violent and rated R... but it was great. its a true story about Desmond Doss and how he went into battle without a gun, and when the army fled he stayed behind and saved 75 peoples life. I-I-I-I just cant describe it you have to see it. its AMAZINGLY GOOD!!!


OK so IDK why I wanna say this but...  I went to PHANTOM OF THE OPERA at the Bass Performance Hall on Friday and it was awesome. I 1ooō% loved it.  I have sang tell songs from it ( Think of me) ( Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again) and I might sing ( All I ask of you ) with my brother. I love that song.  Anyways these performance was great. Actors,set,lighting, props,  and of course music was amazing. If You have been to The Bass Hall you would know they have a huge chandiler and If you know about this party thou would know if breaks, falls,and shattered.  Well. It feel until about four feet above them and they should explore little sparks, And there was rubber in it that exploded to make it sound like glad breaking and my mom got hit with a piece of rubber. It also would shower you with stuff to make outer feel like the had broke.  It was amazing. I just wanted to show my thx to Bass Performance Hall and regroup of traveling actors that do this opera so freakin well.  
                At the end they asked if we were on team Rouel or Team Phantom ( for Christiens lover) ( Christineaka Mane character). I'm so on team phantom.  It's just so good.  Any way gotta go to now so...bye .


Schools out ( 4 me ) and I have more time to update!. I'm happy. Yeah I know it's 2:00 am but who gives a crap. I don't it's summer for me I'll stay up till three( probably cause of my brother) but still it's not as grate as it seems. Me needs my sleep. I'll probably sleep till noon. Oh well I'm board so just wanted to say something. Bye!
          ☹️☺️those my friends are my favorite emojis!!!!!!!  
          Bye panzycakes