
Hello, I'm not dead(yet). Just kinda been in a weird place lately and haven't been able to focus my mind enough to write. That being said, chapters will come eventually so please be patient. It's like 3am for me right now so imma go to sleep. Peace


@LordYegor ay bro take ur time, yeggie


Hello, I'm not dead(yet). Just kinda been in a weird place lately and haven't been able to focus my mind enough to write. That being said, chapters will come eventually so please be patient. It's like 3am for me right now so imma go to sleep. Peace


@LordYegor ay bro take ur time, yeggie


Hey all you... Well only one of you seeing as the other is a bot I think. Gots a tornado blowing by me so I'm probably not going to write anything tonight. Chapter one of my RWBYxFNV book is almost done, still no clue why I'm writing it seeing as I've never even watched RWBY. Stay turned for anything. Yegor out


@LordYegor writing RWBY when you never watched RWBY. I call that dedication. 


Hey the two of you, been a bit. Life's been a bit fucky these days, but that's par for the course. Gonna rewrite the prologue of the FNAF story, might rename it to. In all honesty I've got 21 drafts started for books and a couple don't even have names. I'm about 5k words in the first chapter of my r6 one, but I feel the pace is dragging a bit, we'll see where it goes. I've got a chapter for a lfd book done, if your into that. And I'm certain I'm about half way through the next chapter of my mass effect book. Just wanted to let you guys know that progress is being made, just a lack of motivation really. Oh and I have a RWBY Fallout New Vegas crossover started, bully for me right? Anywho, peace. 


@LordYegor I'm all for the FNAF and R6 story you got going man. And hey, welcome back 


Hey how about that, I've got two followers. I got a couple stories on the burner and the next chapter for Schmidt's Torment is about finished, so be ready for it. I also have something else in the works, a little something I've had cooking in my mind for a good number of years now. I won't say much about it now, but just know it's pretty big. I'm really hoping that when I do it people will like it, so I'm only gonna do it when I feel its just right. Anywho I've got chapters to type and and a lot of planning to do, Yegor out. 


Hey folks, just letting you know a new chapter has finally been released and that I redid the prologue and renamed the story. Hopefully you'll like the rework if you reread it. Anyways I also have multiple stories in the works that I'll also be working on Periodically and will also be releasing those when I have internet. I hope your all having a good one, peace. 


Ay man thanks for your comments, cracked me up a few times XD


@Phase04 I try lol, if I can make one person chuckle then it's a day not wasted


@LordYegor I'm pretty sure you're amusing to some ppl and didn't even realize it, but alright


Glad to have been amusing to someone at least