
Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that I changed my username (it's in a different language). Also, the next chapter of Letters will be up in a few days, we have a lot of company for the holidays and I've been pretty busy. I'm also tweaking the plotline a bit, so that's been taking some time...


Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that I changed my username (it's in a different language). Also, the next chapter of Letters will be up in a few days, we have a lot of company for the holidays and I've been pretty busy. I'm also tweaking the plotline a bit, so that's been taking some time...


Hey there! Just wanted to tell you guys that me and Belle (AirethThorn622) have created a contest account, Creativeki, featuring some blind writing and (obviously) contests, if anybody's interested. Also, I am going to begin a new story tomorrow, posting the first one or two chapters..