
I meant to have chapter 4 of Timebomb: The Lost Moments out by last Friday but writer’s block happened. Life stuff happened. Things like that, ya know? Anyway I should be posting the chapter soon today. In a few. We’ll see!


Hello there, I’m letting y’all know that I unpublished the chapters that come after Chapter 10. So I’ve been thinking, I feel that I needed to do that to work on some chapters to republish them each week. But also because I‘m not really content having the last two chapters as flashbacks, I want them to be regular chapters and go in place where the events happened. I’ll republish a chapter every week on Wednesday.


*Chapter 9 (not 10 .-. )


I was supposed to post the next chapter (Jen’s chapter) on Thursday, but some technical issues occurred (the text in the chapter got deleted). Anyway, I’m working on the chapter and probably publish it soon this week with Lo’s chapter. Anyway, yeah. ._.