
Gonna become "Wattpad Karen" because I'm getting a petition together about the site and app wide password reset that we were not warned about before hand.
          	So many authors are locked out for good because their accounts were extremely old and used emails long forgotton.
          	A simple heads up could have given them enough time to update their emails first.
          	This is highly suspect considering it happened after the site went down for hours - not maintenance - actually down, with an error message.
          	For all we know their was an information breach, or the site was hacked in some other way. We should be told WHY all this is happening.
          	So I will be putting together a petition and writing their corprate office.
          	If you know anyone else who is displeased and wants to take action, kindly send them my way. Please and thank you.


@Lorkyne  THIS IS MY NEW ACCOUNT: Dyrdottir. So I did what I warned others not to do, and logged out of my account only to find, I could not get back in.
          	  going to be rebuilding my account here. if you want updates from me this is the account to follow. so for the mess!


THIS IS MY NEW ACCOUNT: Dyrdottir. So I did what I warned others not to do, and logged out of my account only to find, I could not get back in.
          going to be rebuilding my account here. if you want updates from me this is the account to follow. so for the mess!


Gonna become "Wattpad Karen" because I'm getting a petition together about the site and app wide password reset that we were not warned about before hand.
          So many authors are locked out for good because their accounts were extremely old and used emails long forgotton.
          A simple heads up could have given them enough time to update their emails first.
          This is highly suspect considering it happened after the site went down for hours - not maintenance - actually down, with an error message.
          For all we know their was an information breach, or the site was hacked in some other way. We should be told WHY all this is happening.
          So I will be putting together a petition and writing their corprate office.
          If you know anyone else who is displeased and wants to take action, kindly send them my way. Please and thank you.


@Lorkyne  THIS IS MY NEW ACCOUNT: Dyrdottir. So I did what I warned others not to do, and logged out of my account only to find, I could not get back in.
            going to be rebuilding my account here. if you want updates from me this is the account to follow. so for the mess!


Everyone don't log out if your account is so old you don't remember your email you used for it.
          Wattpad will ask you to reset your password.
          My friend just got locked out of her account she's had for over 5 years because when she went to log in Wattpad wanted her to reset her password.


Dear Bioware:
          For the love of the Maker, please allow me to have a short squishy hero couple lol.
          Dwarves are to adorable not to have a player dwarf couple. I need the fluff of it all.
          Lol just like giant Qunari couples, it would be cute.
          Side note, does anyone else ship one of their Inquisitor's with their Hawke?
          And which non-romancible character [besides mr.Tethras] would you pair your favorite inquisitor with?
          My male elf  Mage would end up with Minaeve or Jana. And my male Elf  archer is crushing on Calpernia  and my female human mage xD just wants to save Samson.
          Am bored xD so discussion time! Yay


@Lorkyne  of course my female elf Mage was originally gunning for Varric before we got Thom in the party, but I gotta say, I have a human archer who probably would have liked a Krem, I think they'd fit really nicely, but I would have loved to see my human archer Alice get with Cole. It would have been really sweet and Cole is adorable.


@Lorkyne Very good questions... I think I ship my headcanon femHawke a little with my male qunari Inquisitor. Not to the point that I wish it would be possible (my Hawke has a romance anyway), but I think it would be interesting, considering that Hawke fought the arishok and the qunari. 
            And the second... my favourite Inquisitor is my female elf mage (who originally had a Solas romance), and after playing Jaws of Hakkon I can imagine her with Professor Kenric. I always imagined that Éirinn kind of has a crush on intelligence, and since she had all the perks that opened up new dialogue options, they had quite long discussions about history. It's easy to think that in the two years leading to Trespasser, they at least dated.


@wolvesofthemist  lol Harding would be adorable with a Qunari! The kind of romance with her was still extremely cute. It was a cruel tease by by Bioware, because after playing Jaws of Hakkon she was so cute in that storyline


Drawing a Tarot card of my Male Lavellan and I now have a whole new respect for the artist(s) who created the tarots for the game because the art style takes a lot of work....a lot of work. I've been drawing for 5 hours and I've only got well under a third of it painted lol.


I know right???? They're so pretty and then they also has to do sooooo many of them!


Watched EA play....
          Was that a Titan heart? Is some blighted Titan kicking out Red Lyrium? Was that OUR Titan? 
          Why is Bioware doing this to me...
          All I wanna know is if I get to see Valta again TvT....she better not be a Broodmother now....(unless she is a pure lyrium version of one and she and Sha'brytol renn and making pure genlock babbies....omg)
          ....I fully realize I may seem daft as everyone else is all....SOLAS????!!!!111!!?1!
          and then there is me asking about little Shaper Valta....
          But the dwarves are my children and I LOVE them. Valta better be ok....and Renn...hopefully is now a pure genlock (cannot convenience me that the Sha'brytol aren't none-tainted Genlocks....)
          Ignore me and my head cannons lol non of it seems possible but....I dream in the fade.


Bio ware is really leaning into the cryptic teasers aren't they and my theorist brain has NOT clocked into work 