
          	Yes, Hello, Hi. I am aware I have not touched my fanfics- in a very long while (probably a year. Or more.)
          	That big project I mentioned in my last update? Yeah, that never happened. But for those wondering, CYOA = Choose Your Own Adventure.
          	I MAY still decide to get it done, I dunno.
          	I'm conflicted at the moment- I am definitely sure I will continue the boys fanfic series since y'all are just LOVING it (I need to catch myself up, honestly-)
          	However, I may not be continuing my Markiplier fanfic as I suddenly have the urge to write a Finnick Odair fanfiction since I am failing to find good ones.
          	If you think it's a good idea, lemme know. Otherwise I'll stick with the boys one fornow.
          	I will try and stay active (AND I MEAN IT THIS TIME.) as much as possible.
          	This has been an announcement from your loving, living and existing author
          	~ Lorrel


          Yes, Hello, Hi. I am aware I have not touched my fanfics- in a very long while (probably a year. Or more.)
          That big project I mentioned in my last update? Yeah, that never happened. But for those wondering, CYOA = Choose Your Own Adventure.
          I MAY still decide to get it done, I dunno.
          I'm conflicted at the moment- I am definitely sure I will continue the boys fanfic series since y'all are just LOVING it (I need to catch myself up, honestly-)
          However, I may not be continuing my Markiplier fanfic as I suddenly have the urge to write a Finnick Odair fanfiction since I am failing to find good ones.
          If you think it's a good idea, lemme know. Otherwise I'll stick with the boys one fornow.
          I will try and stay active (AND I MEAN IT THIS TIME.) as much as possible.
          This has been an announcement from your loving, living and existing author
          ~ Lorrel


Greetings and Salutations everyone~
          It's been half a year since I came back. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about any of my fanfictions and I understand that you're all probably waiting for me to continue. Well, do I have news for you! I'm currently working on a HUGE project and it's won't be published UNTIL it's done. Maybe that way I'll be determined to finish something for once.
          This doesn't mean I've given up on the other fanfictions. I've had no motivation whatsoever to continue but I've had ideas building up. This big project I'm working on is something I'm proud of and I get the feeling it'll be BIG. I'll give you a hint... see if you can figure out what each of these letters stands for:
          CYOA (If you know the author R.A. Montgomery, you'll have your answer )
          The answer will be revealed on my next post! Please bare with me everyone, I'm doing all I can. I'll keep you posted with the massive project, that is if I stick to it. I make no promises that it will be finished.
          From the always living, loving and existing writer,


HELLO EVERYONE! I hope you've missed me. It's official, chapter 10 of the Y/n X Narrator  fanfic is released! More info can be found at the bottom of the chapter. Im sorry I abandoned the book for months but I am back! (Hopefully)
          Again, feel free to have discussions with me about your ideas and suggestions! Love and missed you all!


Hello Everyone!
          I apologise for not having recently made any new chapters to any of my books. I haven't found time to work on them or I just don't have the motivation. I will try to get a new chapter out as soon as I can so please bare with me.
          If you have any suggestions for any of my stories, feel free to let me know.
          -Yours truly, Lorrel_Passadine