Yes, Hello, Hi. I am aware I have not touched my fanfics- in a very long while (probably a year. Or more.)
That big project I mentioned in my last update? Yeah, that never happened. But for those wondering, CYOA = Choose Your Own Adventure.
I MAY still decide to get it done, I dunno.
I'm conflicted at the moment- I am definitely sure I will continue the boys fanfic series since y'all are just LOVING it (I need to catch myself up, honestly-)
However, I may not be continuing my Markiplier fanfic as I suddenly have the urge to write a Finnick Odair fanfiction since I am failing to find good ones.
If you think it's a good idea, lemme know. Otherwise I'll stick with the boys one fornow.
I will try and stay active (AND I MEAN IT THIS TIME.) as much as possible.
This has been an announcement from your loving, living and existing author
~ Lorrel