Hey guys, Laura aka @catchXmeXifXuXcan here. Ellie hasn't been doing so hot as of late and asked me to come on here for her. E has been going through some tough stuff and some bad things have happened. She even had to go to the hospital for a bit. She has been all over the place mentally and emotionally and thats why she hasn't been on in so long. Ellie says shes starting to feel a little better so she should hopefully be back on soon. I was hoping that with all the negative going on in her life that maybe you guys could put the positive back in. I haven't seen her smile in WEEKS and that is so not Ellie. I saw you guys got her up to 220 reads and like 13 votes. Thats amazing! Do you think you guys could maybe get her some more reads? share with your friends please. She loves this so much and i just KNOW that if you guys could read, vote comment...even if it's just to say hi it would make her day. Thanks guys, I know you can do it.
xoxo- Laura