
Hey guys! I updated Vibrant, The second chapter focuses on Phil's life!


~sometimes quiet is violent I find it hard to hide it. My pride is no longer inside It's in my sleeve. My skin will scream reminding me of who I killed inside my dream. I hate this car that in driving. There's no hiding for me. I'm forced to deal with what I feel. There is no distraction to the mask what is real. I could pull the steering wheel~


~In have these thoughts so often I ought to replace that slot with what I once bought, Cause somebody stole my Car Radio and now I just sit in silence.


Good morning to you! 
          Good day!
          Good Afternoon!
          Don't you know I've been waiting for you?
          I've been on Wattpad for an hour or two
          Why won't you stay on a while?
          I would walk a mile, for you(To stay on Wattpad)
          That's your poem Darling! X3


I've been watching an anime called fairy tale ate first it's all funny but once u get to the 20th episodes it gets very serious sorta. Like I really wann know what's gonna happen. I can't stop thinking about it


I'm so sad it's over but hey there are tons of episodes so that's good. I feel very restless cause I'm just like....Anime...what will happen.....


@ItsKaleighChan Fairy Tail was the first anime I ever watched and I loved it so much! I watched 200 something episodes and now that it's over I have nothing to do. My life feels so empty!!