Hetero stories make me cringe too i never tried a 1D hetero but Justin Bieber Hetero is terrible. They're all the same and they all have the same endings and the same problems! I am not a directioner because i dont like there music but there personalities are okay i guess i dont know much about them, i am a belieber that can rant about Jay for hour upon hours
Chris Brown slats because he truly is talented because before he sang anything and still sound good.
@xxvi_vi I feel the exact same way as you! Reading Hetero just makes me cringe. Like they're all the same with the same kind of girl. Especially 1D ugh I can't & Seriously Chris slays. He slays everything he does without even trying because he's just that talented.
@LostNostalgia I Feel Special its an honor and i cant stand to read hetero stories they annoy me for some reason & how can you not be team breezy he slayed when i was little & he slays now