I find this industry interesting. One minute you known, and rhyming like crazy. You're the talk of being the next thing in music and poetry. Then all of a sudden you plummet becuase your just old. Nobody cares about your freaking rhymes or savage bars. It's a hard way to live.
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone really wanted to read the stratosphere book slash series because I know it didn't get a lot of views but I have a lot planned out for it and I didn't really want to post it because I didn't think it would get a lot of views but just let me know if you want it if you don't and I'll repost it and I'll add what I did to it for all you guys thank you have a nice night.
I just want to make a quick point, becuase people keep asking, BrokenandUnited no longer will be edited or added to. Sorry for people who loved it, things just don't work out sometimes.