
Hello there @LostinStrange_world
          First of all I would like to apologise for this shameless spam message on your board.
          I wanted to introduce myself to you as you seem to be interested in ManVeer fan fictions :⁠-⁠D
          If you want to read any of the fictional stories on Manyata and Uday then please try on my creations.
          My books include: 
          1. ManVeer FF - After Marriage (completed, continuation of the show)
          2. ManVeer FF - Someone Special  (on going, stand alone)
          3. Doctor Princess - A ManVeer FF (on going, stand alone)
          4. ManVeer OS - Realisation (completed)
          5. ManVeer OS - Diwali Night (completed)
          6. ManVeer OS - Interview (completed)
          Hope to meet you in my notifications. (^_-)


Thanks for your suggestion
            I will surely give them a read 