
Can re-readers stop spoiling in comments on my stories thank you. Remember there are people reading it for the first time and would like the same experience you had when certain plot twists or reveals happen.
          	thanks guys :)


If I have accidentally done it I will delete the comments and feel free to do so as well if I haven't!! :)


@Lottiara I don't even reread unless I'm super bored. So I'm fine, I think?


@Lottiara okay I'll check all my comments and make sure


Hello I am trying to find a story about dream and George but I can not for the life of me remember who the author was but and I’m just messaging people who could possibly be it and it was a story where dream had multiple powers as well as George, sapnap, karl, quackity, techno, bad and skeppy did if you know the author who could’ve wrote that could you let me know I think the word of the fanfic started with a D I am not sure please and thank you!!! 


I have read those ones and it’s not those books dream had teleportation and could stop time and George had powers where he could conflict pain on someone without touching them  


Camellia by poofy101 


I just spend an hour trying to find purple eyes and the sequel and abilities and the sequel because GOD were they good I absolutely love them. Im sad that u archived them but understand.


Yesss! I have been looking for abilities and was so sad to find out it was archived. Definitely the kind of read that will stick with you for a long time hahaha 


Hey Lottie just checking in on how you’re doing and wondering if Again is confirmed abandoned or if you are continuing? I understand if you’re not really in the fandom anymore but the stories are always fun to read and yours are by far some of my favourites. So exited if you do continue Again


Hey Lottie:) Just checking in, how've you been? It's been a while and I know you aren't really in the fandom but I just want to let you know that your writing so so amazing and I really hope you continue because you have so much talent<33


HEY HEY HEY!!! I'm a new fan 
          So I can say I'm finishing Super today and... Wow.... THIS IS THE BEST BOOK I'VE EVER READ ON WATTPAD AHJDKSHDD so uhh yeah. I hope you know you're very very VERY talented and you deserve A LOT of fans, credit, and even MONEYS ✋
          I can't wait to read the other stories you wrote!! And gosh I should sleep bc I'm staying up to 6:00 a.m to read your stories 
          Anyways, MUCH LOVE to you Lottie, keep going with the good work!!!!