Hi everyone! This is the account formerly known as @igothroughphasesalot. I’ve decided that I’m going to change up some of my writing a little bit. I’m taking down stories that are about real life people and sticking to characters only. The only one that I’m leaving up is “Rescue Me” with Tom Hiddleston because it seems to resonate with a lot of people. For the time being, the other ones have been taken down and I will be switching out the real life people for fictional characters. I’ve just grown uncomfortable with writing for real life people so I will be sticking to writing for fictional characters from now on. I have also started a fresh new blog on Tumblr called @writersblock2021 and the blog itself is called “The Writer’s Block”. I hope that you will follow me on there and continue to follow me here as well. I love all my readers so much and your comments mean the world to me. -Lottie