
Happy Father's Day and 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared'(DHMIS) Day! 


To anyone who has read "Did you know?", I sincerely apologize. It is deleted and out of the way now. I used it to blow off steam, but I realize that publishing it to the internet is definitely not a way to handle my issues. I just had a bit of a fuse and stopped using my common sense. So, pardon my idiocy! Carry on~


Hoiiiiiii senpaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, I coment on converfsaion slide, I jut wated to say hoiiiiiii


@kazutu_zera Congradulations! You Unlocked: Grandma Sama!


Me tak to grandmother senpai yeserday


I'm so tired right now.... but I really need to say this! THANK YOU SO MUCH for 100 views on Purple Circus and over 50 views on Culrpit!( it's 70 views now, I believe...) I'm so pleased you all enjoy it. It means a lot for someone like me~
          Also, about Ninth Trial, I'm stopping for now so I can edit all of the chapters and continue from there. If you want more information on that, I said so on "The Case of Purple Circus:Chapter 2" in the Purple Circus book. I just realllllly don't want to rewrite everything I said. 
          Anyways, as always,
          Thanks for reading~


Hello, my dear viewers! 'Tis I, your truthfully lazy author! I've published both Purple Circus and Ninth Trial since I recieved my 'portavle device', and now i'm moving onto another book. I just published a book called "Culprit" and throughout the book you try and find out who's the killer. So, if you're interested, please check it out. I'm very proud to finally announce it, because my close friends were bugging me to hurry up and make it already. So now here I am with the responsibility of updating three books. It's going to be a looooong road, isn't it? That's all for now, and as always,
          Thanks for reading~


          So, Wattpad is being a huge, gaping butthole right now. There are some corruptions with trying to publish my new chapter to Purple Circus. With that, it also means I cannot publish any new chapters for Ninth trial. When I write, I usually edit and publish on portable devices, so... I don't know, maybe that's the reason. However, I'm not able to do so on a portable device at this moment.. so it just may be impossible to publish for now. On the bright side, however, I should have three or more chapters ready to be published by the time I am able to continue. For now, please be patient with me. And, as always,
          Thank you for reading~


~ 300 views on Ninth Trial~
          Thank you, all of my viewers! (...and my friends, of course ( ^_^)) I seriously love writing publically now, because more people end up becoming interested in my books, and I love that! So, seriously, thank you so much! Also, about the updates, I am working on it now. So just keep waiting patiently, and as always
          Thank you for reading~


Hello, viewers~ 
          ((Which I know are mostly my close friends, but towards anyone who just happens to cross my profile, welcome!^))
          I reached 40 views on Purple Circus- it was literally 19 views this morning!! I couldn't be happier at the moment... I only wish I updated faster than what I already do for you guys! A big shoutout to my friend @PurpleGuysPrincess for the support; I'm sure most of the views came from there! But, please do check out her profile if you're in anyway interested in the FNAF game series/fanbase~ 
          Hopefully I can help her achieve, as well. Anyhow, continue to wait patiently for updates! I'm working on them now.
          As always,
          Thanks for reading~
          ( /)` o ´ ) /)


            You're welcome, darling~
            ( /) ¥v¥)/)   ( /) ////(\ )


Thank you!


Well, 15 people liked Purple Circus, so I'm getting there, I guess (  ; w ; )
          Anyways, I'm getting the second chapter ready, and the tenth chapter of Ninth Trial (Ha! Irony..) will be uploaded soon. Don't expect them to be good, because I'm pushing myself to finally write something.. but expect something!
          Until then, thanks for reading~~