
Chapter 14 of The Golden Kingdom is up if you would like to read it.


I posted a prologue, I wrote it a while ago but I didn't want to post it. I do apologise, it's not the greatest. I thought I had gotten too far into the story without really explaining anything, it gives a very small insight into the history and some of the beliefs held in my fictional world.


I am so sorry for being gone so long. 
          I had to change colleges and it all got a bit hectic, for a while I began to hate writing and I got really sad when I saw any of my current projects. 
          But then, for Christmas, my sister got given a giant book of animals that she didn't want (so I took). I was reading through it and remembered how much fun it was writing 'The Golden Kingdom'. I read back through everyone's comments and realised how much I loved writing for other people.
          That was a cheesy story, but it's true.
          Have a new chapter and MERRY CHRISTMAS!


@Pantuteros Yeah, you get three more years of free education past 16, you go to college between 16 and 18 (but I'll be there until I'm 19 now) and then off to university (if that's what you want to do). You can carry on at college after 19, but you have to pay.


@Pantuteros I elected to go back a year and start fresh at a new college... at least it gives me some time to think about university though. I suppose it depends what you're doing at school.


@Pantuteros I keep going on different pages and their activity has been rather sparse. But I suppose school takes precedence, it definitely does with me (I don't want to end up behind like I did last year).


My updates are going to be rather sparse now, I am trying to get my education in order and have had to start at college all over again :/ I've gone back a year and I really need to do a lot of work to prove myself if I want to get into Cambridge University seeing as that is what I've been aiming for since my GCSEs. Sorry, hopefully I'll be able to keep posting, it just won't be very regular.


The tenth chapter of 'The Golden Kingdom' is up and ready for reading, my updates (I am hoping) are going to be quicker now, I'm up to date with my plot (after the disaster with my laptop) and now that it's getting into the more action-y parts I am more inclined to write it. Hope you enjoy it... read, comment, vote :D