Beware of acc with that have the words slitz, clitz, slits. If anyone you don't know ask you something like 'What are you afraid of?' Don't answer. Just block them. If you do answer they will send you horrible pics and even threats that may be tied towards what you're afraid of.
Don't watch them out of curiosity!!! I beg of you!!! Do not!!! Please!!! These are very very very bad for your mental health and could maybe even leave permanent damage.
Even better!!! Just take a rest from social media until, hopefully, this problem gets solved
If any of them ask you to join them. Don't!!!
That's I know for now. I know I don't even have an influence on this app, but it is better if I could even help a single person who goes across this acc.
Once I get more info on how to avoid it I will tell!!!