
Hey Everyone, it's been an extremely long time, but I would like to announce that I am back and I am renewing all of my stories.  They're going to be different, and not just edited here and there different but rewritten entirely.  I already have three started, and I am planning on beginning a few more from different genres here soon. 
          	Stay updated with the stories, share them with friends, and give me feedback so I know which stories are getting the most traction!
          	Also, be sure to report any stories taking my work and using it as their own. I do not permit that without my special permission and won't tolerate it any more than anyone else would.


Hey Everyone, it's been an extremely long time, but I would like to announce that I am back and I am renewing all of my stories.  They're going to be different, and not just edited here and there different but rewritten entirely.  I already have three started, and I am planning on beginning a few more from different genres here soon. 
          Stay updated with the stories, share them with friends, and give me feedback so I know which stories are getting the most traction!
          Also, be sure to report any stories taking my work and using it as their own. I do not permit that without my special permission and won't tolerate it any more than anyone else would.