
 know this may seem weird but send this to 5 of ur best girlfriends and this wil come true in ur next 5 days
          Day 1: You will wake up to the biggest shock of your life. Day 2: You will cross paths with an old friend you miss. Day 3: You will come to find yourself with A LOT of friends. Day 4: Your day will be perfect. Day 5: The love of your life will fall head over heels in love with you


I know this may seem weird but send this to 5 of ur best girlfriends and this wil come true in ur next 5 days
          Day 1: You will wake up to the biggest shock of your life. Day 2: You will cross paths with an old friend you miss. Day 3: You will come to find yourself with A LOT of friends. Day 4: Your day will be perfect. Day 5: The love of your life will fall head over heels in love with you 


"_____8888888888____________________ ____888888888888888_________________ __888888822222228888________________ _88888822222222288888_______________ 888888222222222228888822228888______ 888882222222222222288222222222888___ 8888822222222222222222222222222288__ _8888822222222222222222222222222_88_ __88888222222222222222222222222__888 ___888822222222222222222222222___888 ____8888222222222222222222222____888 _____8888222222222222222222_____888_ ______8882222222222222222_____8888__ _______888822222222222______888888__ ________8888882222______88888888____ _________888888_____888888888_______ __________88888888888888____________ ___________8888888888_______________ ____________8888888_________________ _____________88888__________________ ______________888___________________ _______________8____________________ Give This To The Twelve Nicest People You Know If You Get Five Back You Must Be Perfect


"_____8888888888____________________ ____888888888888888_________________ __888888822222228888________________ _88888822222222288888_______________ 888888222222222228888822228888______ 888882222222222222288222222222888___ 8888822222222222222222222222222288__ _8888822222222222222222222222222_88_ __88888222222222222222222222222__888 ___888822222222222222222222222___888 ____8888222222222222222222222____888 _____8888222222222222222222_____888_ ______8882222222222222222_____8888__ _______888822222222222______888888__ ________8888882222______88888888____ _________888888_____888888888_______ __________88888888888888____________ ___________8888888888_______________ ____________8888888_________________ _____________88888__________________ ______________888___________________ _______________8____________________ Give This To The Twelve Nicest People You Know If You Get Five Back You Must Be Perfect