
Finally recovered this account. I am hopefully going to be able to get a little run done. Finishing up some old projects. Starting some new ones hopefully.


@LoveAmBryLayn can you send me the wwe smut sex book there was a chapter i wanna read from it plz!!!


@LoveAmBryLayn hey do you still have that old wwe smut project from a long while ago? or is it deleted


Finally recovered this account. I am hopefully going to be able to get a little run done. Finishing up some old projects. Starting some new ones hopefully.


@LoveAmBryLayn can you send me the wwe smut sex book there was a chapter i wanna read from it plz!!!


@LoveAmBryLayn hey do you still have that old wwe smut project from a long while ago? or is it deleted



Expect WWE U Semester 4 to be something slightly different from the past semesters. This will be my first Semester that I start from the beginning and I cannot wait! First Update goes up today; 2nd Next Saturday; then I will alternate between AEW U and Sem 4. I will likely do an AEW U Sem 2 or Sem 3. Depends what you all want to see. Let me know down below!


After two and a half years, WWE University Semester 3 is completed! I hope I made Kim and you all proud taking it on as the author. Next is to complete AEW University Semester One. HHH taking over Creative has certainly inspired me to write. What are you all hoping to see from this account in the future?


Working on catching up with WWE U and AEW U. It’s hard to believe that once I’m caught up, it will be the midseason finale of WWE U coming up. I hope you all like Semester 3A and are looking forward to Semester 3B, cause I am excited for it!