Project Aurora, Apocalypse Chapter 5 out now! Did someone say round two? Aurora has a few more surprises coming her way before Extinction. As always, you'll find it on ao3!
Project Aurora, Apocalypse Chapter 5 out now! Did someone say round two? Aurora has a few more surprises coming her way before Extinction. As always, you'll find it on ao3!
Project Aurora, Chapter 5 out now! Should you still be with me on this journey, there's a smutty reward in it for you in this new chapter. Enjoy it, and let me know what you think! My lifeblood is comments, as always.
I hope you're ready for the Project Aurora chapter this week! While Aurora drunkenly chases Alice through the maze with one thing on her mind - upstaging Spence on his wedding night - their desperate escape from Raccoon City in the present goes awry.
Once more but in actual English! What're you guys thinking about Project Aurora? I've been debating whether or not to put it up on Wattpad once Afterlife is published on AO3 but I'm not sure. You guys will just have to let me know the vibe! Anyways! Thoughts? Comments?