
Hi Readers, 
          	It’s been brought to my attention that my works have been stolen and published on other sites. I did not authorize this, and I appreciate the updates. If you are able, please report these situations anytime you come across them.
          	It breaks my heart to think how easily so many hours of hard work can be stolen through the internet. I am passionate about my work. I am dedicated to providing the best reading experience to my followers. Being a victim of theft is very difficult to experience as a creator. My writing isn’t something tangible that was stolen from me and I can easily replace. With that being said, I appreciate the followers who helped me and informed me about the situation. If I ever do decide to publish any of my work on another site, I will ALWAYS inform my Wattpad readers first.
          	Thank you so much for all your support.
          	With Love, 
          	Marina Kay 


@LoveHEAlways  In every few chapters include “if you’re reading this on something other than Wattpad, this story has been stolen from @LoveHEAlways” in amongst the chapter, right in the middle of a sentence.  Readers will then read it and leave and go to Wattpad!


Till the End of Time is on the Mylib app


@TeamBarnes72 Thank you so much for the support. ❤️


When you write a story place your name and you are only writing on Wattpad if people are reading it on another sight that means it's  stolen and they can read it for free on Wattpad. That's what another author did to hers , she has had several stolen....just put it in the middle of the story just like it's part of the story, it's worth a try.....


@tmainsw Thank you for your help. I love that you do that. 


I hate that those sites steal stories. I always comment with the tile, author, and that they are free on Wattpad. And I echo what CarolynFoster9 said about embedding the message in the middle of the story. 


Thanks so much for the advice. I’ll definitely have to do everything I can. 


Hi Readers, 
          It’s been brought to my attention that my works have been stolen and published on other sites. I did not authorize this, and I appreciate the updates. If you are able, please report these situations anytime you come across them.
          It breaks my heart to think how easily so many hours of hard work can be stolen through the internet. I am passionate about my work. I am dedicated to providing the best reading experience to my followers. Being a victim of theft is very difficult to experience as a creator. My writing isn’t something tangible that was stolen from me and I can easily replace. With that being said, I appreciate the followers who helped me and informed me about the situation. If I ever do decide to publish any of my work on another site, I will ALWAYS inform my Wattpad readers first.
          Thank you so much for all your support.
          With Love, 
          Marina Kay 


@LoveHEAlways  In every few chapters include “if you’re reading this on something other than Wattpad, this story has been stolen from @LoveHEAlways” in amongst the chapter, right in the middle of a sentence.  Readers will then read it and leave and go to Wattpad!


Till the End of Time is on the Mylib app


@TeamBarnes72 Thank you so much for the support. ❤️


Hi, just finished the Till the End of Time series and really enjoyed it. I liked how devoted the heros were to the heroines. The guys all worked hard to earn forgiveness and I really liked that the heroines did not give in quickly, they made the heros  grovel. 


@gujjugirls3 None of my completed books has what I would consider cheating. When I do publish one, I will make sure to post trigger warnings. ❤️


Does any of the books has cheating? 


I’ll be on the lookout for it! 


Dearest Readers, 
          Happy New Year! 
          May the year be filled with love, laughter, health and prosperity. I am so grateful for all of you who have supported me through my writing journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to sharing more stories with you and hearing your thoughts and feedback.
          With Love,
          Marina Kay