
@momokitty : Thanks sure I'll read it=D


Hi! I was just wondering if you could read my newly updated book 'Once Bitten' . i Know these messages get annoying and I'm sorry but this is the only way to get the word around. I would really love to hear your feedback! 
          The story has everything from action to love to teen trouble. It's about a girl who is in love with one vampire boy whose brother loves her. Things turn to the bad side when her best friend gets kidnapped by blood thirsty vampires. Please read, comment, vote, or fan and I will return the favor. Thanks!


Hey Alex!! My name is Pratibha and I just dropped in to ask you if you'd like to read my book. Its called 'The Virtual Side of Reality' and is a pretty good read. I really need the comments on it and would love to hear yours.
          Vote, Comment and Fan!!
          P.S. I've done the same!!


HELLO :) ok so i know these are annoying as hell to some people but please read "I refuse to be part of another stupid emo jerk love story...and yet...." by moi of course! The title is pretty obvious but here's a short summary....
          Dinner by candlelight? Moonlite walks on the beach? Please! Roxi Tallon would never be caught dead falling head over heels for someone. Falling in love is for preps, something Roxi will never be. Emo to the core, the only person she hangs with is her best friend Max. But when Roxi gains a hot emo enemy, sparks will fly and nobody will be able to tell the good sparks from the bad ones. Lines will be crossed, patience will be tested, and relationships will be strained to their breaking point. It all leads up to one question... Can Roxi refuse her own love story?....
          :) Sorry if you dont like the summary I'm not very good at them but I hope you will check it out! Dont forget to comment, vote, and become a fan! Thanks
          btw i like ur vampire knight background :)


hello ^^ I know these are really annoying buttttt it would mean a lot if you would read my stories,Dark Midnight, Vermin, andddd Tiresome Slavery comment vote, read what you want, doesn't have to be all of them, just what you want ;D and blah blah blah, thats probably what this sounds like right? well please do though, thanks luv u all :D
          ~roar feel good inc~


          I was wondering if you could read my stories, 'The Transformation (A Werewolf Story)' and 'I was normal. Until I was changed into vampire.....royalty?!?' Please vote, comment, or if you love it, become a fan!
          Thanks a Plenty,


helloo!! fellow­ marshmallows...i mean humans!­!! i know you get tired of th­ese massages and ya they are r­eally annoying cuz i personall­y think so too, but can you pl­ease check out my story Speed Dating? thanx a ton! i­ really wouldnt be sending the­se messages, but its the only ­solution to getting my stories­ out there! (seriously, this i­s like, my plan Z) :P thank yo­u so so much for your time, an­d i would absolutely be honored to return the favor!! :) :­) ahh, so much for plan... (AB­CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) oh i­ got it! plan Y :( teehee okay­ thanx!! :) :) XD XD