
Hello! I was just reading your piece about promoting our stories l, and I figured I should send you a message. 
          I’m currently writing a romance story I’m pretty sure you would like, and I was contacting you to ask if you were still interested in doing R4Rs. 
          Here are the details of my story if you’re interested:
          - Author: @Ariesdolphin25.
          - Title: Climbing Up.
          - Not Mature.
          - Not Completed.
          - Chapter Number: 11.
          - Genre: Romance (Contemporary) 
          - Summary: Alex and Jonathan are academic rivals, at least, she perceives it that way. It’s infuriating to take a rivalry so seriously when the other person barely cares. However, it gets even more infuriating when Jonathan is kicked out of his house, and a series of events leads him on Alex’s door step. Now they’re living together. 
          - Link to Story:
          It has a 11 chapters, but you don’t have to read them all. One or two would be enough and in exchange, as the r4r entails, I would read one or two chapters of your stories.
          Of course, it you’re not interested anymore, that’s perfectly fine. Send me a reply if you are, though.


Okay, I’ll get right on reading then (Sorry for later reply too)


Yes, sorry for the super late reply. I would be super happy in doing a read for read ☺️