Hope everyone has been well. I have a book to finish reading for a work book club and and I have been itching to do some updates here! I have had so many ideas and paths and just juicy, toe curling writing ALL in my head. But time, free time isn’t on my side. So where this leaves me is uncertain. I like to finish what I start but new studies will be taken up after much thought. I won’t leave you out in the wind, promise
@LoveOT7Noona thank you so much for answering! As always, there's no need to rush your personal life just because we as readers would love to keep reading your creations. I'm happy all is well and I hope you get the success you've been wishing for in your life! Thank you and I appreciate you :)
@savahnnam Hi, yes I am so sorry. I really do need to finish this story. Been dealing with super busy schedules, job changes and health issues. The latter makes me extremely tired and it’s difficult for me to focus for extended amounts of time. I am on the mend so I’ll be back to at minimum wrap up this story. I have a soft spot for it. Thank you for checking in.