
Chapter 2 of " Kiss Me Deadly" is up! :)


okay so, here goes nothing...
          watttpad has this WHOLE group of people sit and answer questions all day! hahah and your question is one of the most popular ones!!!! 
          one thing that we all ask is that you DO NOT ask anyone , (newbies especially) to read your story directly on their message board.
          but you can post in the group forums! but only in the 'share your story' category!
          here's some further tips: 


i love your profile picture! welcome to Wattpad.  My name is Jessica but everyone calls me Jes.  I know that when I first started on Wattpad four score and seven years ago… I had a hard time figuring out how to work everything, but now I’m almost like an expert! So if you have some troubles, then just go ahead and ask me for help! :D good luck and have fun! :D