I had to make a new account, I am still LoveRooWrite but the oo’s are now zero’s.
If you would like to head over there, I am still writing.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.
So, I have a question.
Real quick….
It is for Jello Fight.
Please tell me what you want.
Thank you for reading and chapter 6 (six) will be posted on time tomorrow.
Chapter five is now posted for Jello Fight. It is two days and a couple hours later than it was supposed to be and I am incredibly, most truthfully sorry. Once again, I am lucky not many read yet.
I thank everyone who has read my work with a full heart and hope you enjoy my story.
Please, comment anything. I would love to know what you think. That is why my stories are here. For feedback.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of you day.