
Take my love, Take my land, Take me where i cannot stand,I don't care, I'm still free, You can't take the sky from me.


Hey I'm love struck rose I'm going to be blogging about love and some things that may or may not apply to you. I hope both male and females read this and hope that many will appreciate it. 
          First thing to men: there are sayings that women use that men need to catch onto otherwise you may end up digging your own grave. First off when a woman says she's fine... She's not. if your in an argument it means I'm ending this fight because I know your wrong and being stupid. Men don't argue when a woman says she's. She's dead set on being right a "fine." will end the argument but leave her angry. Another thing women say that you should watch out for is "Go ahead" It's normally a dare not permission. If she says this reanalyze what you where going to do. that's okay is when a woman wants to think long and hard about how and when your going to pay for what you did. don't over think these because without knowing it women say these with out really realizing what there doing but do it anyways.
          Women: I know your busy but make sure he knows your plans we can be hot headed and not think. men at times will be dense and not understand that you want to go out for a bit. sometimes you will have to take initiative and start the date or make the first move.. kiss him first. it's not bad to want to be in control but don't hurt his man pride. ask to pay for dinner once in a while let him open the door for you, but don't stand there expectantly unless your arms are full. men aren't like the ones in movies or books they wont always be spontaneous or romantic but they'll try and that's what we have to keep in mind.
                                                  - Love-Struck Rose