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I don't think I'm coming back here until 2025 cuz — * Doing 2 Masters is sucking the life out of me * Miss the tannies so much that everytime I manage to get some free time on my hands, my brain and heart jointly forces me to watch RUN BTS and cry (SOMEONE LET THEM OUT ALREADY, THEY HAVE FUCKING SERVED ENOUGH) * My job. Been spending overtime on there for extra money that I'm saving up for the ot7 world tour. That's it ! Been writing down drafts here and there whenever I get in the mood but seriously, I don't think it's enough to publish ANYTHING :) hoping that ot7 coming tgt will be able to uplift my mood and maybe maybe I'll be back sooner than expected :) And I hope everyone's fine ! Bye ! (Don't forget to stream and buy Neva Play !!!!)