I hope you’re having a great day! Could I ask a favor? A Hundred Weddings is soon to be published this February 14, EST and now it's officially listed on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41844165-a-hundred-weddings?ac=1&from_search=true
So, if you have a Goodreads account, I would really really really appreciate it if you give a review on the website about my book.
I noticed that you’re one of the people who commented/voted on my Wattpad story and I hope you’d also give your feedback on Goodreads. That would really mean the world to me :)
Love lots!
- J. Schreave
Thank you so much for commenting on my book (Surviving the Spencer boys)! I had been so busy and in all honesty it had slipped into the back of my mind that it was due a serious update.
So that is why I want to thank you because without that comment I can honestly say that my book still wouldn't have been updated.