
Happy birthday, Eli! ♡~(>᎑<`๑)♡


Hey Everyone! Honk here! I just wanted to let you know that dearest Kotori is going on a little holiday away from wattpad :(
          Emily (Me) - Honoka
          Natasha - Kotori
          Here is her message:
          “Dear All Members of the Love Live Fan Club, I’ve missed Wattpad and the club soo much! But I’m currently taking a break from all of it, but I will be back But until then, Have fun and love love live with Emily and your new kotori! Dont forget me hahhaaha! Love y’all soo much! 
          Let us all pay our respects to her and hope to see her again soon :D


Well I just checked with Nat, and she said that she's coming back next week!


@SmileychanEmily Does that mean that the spot for Kotori is open? If it's open, does that mean the new Kotori will be a president? - Hanayo