
I got a new account, it's called @motherofaduckling


Jeez, my little problem of getting things absolutely perfect is killing my stories. Im so sorry, im trying to write something im satisfied with but its all trash to me. I'm trying, I promise.


@Love_megarbage take your time. you got this. i understand. getting everything perfect is a thing i have as well. but question yourself. what will others like? even if it isn't perfect, we will all love it. you trying is what matters here. again, you got this love. take your time.


Guys, I am so sorry for not updating and stuff. I've been busy but I think I have a few chapters ready, for the work "we'll grow wihin eachother" it will be pretty different. I'm sorry. I see that people like to the way it is and I'm wondering if you guys just want me to start a totally new works nd leave that one up for you. Sorry, the one I'm making--or remade-- kinda strays from the begging. I have a few new ideas for the books and o finally found a plot...though undone think you guys may enjoy it as much as my tester does. You guys like the old one so I don't know whether do!!


Sooo...I really, really, really, hate the "recent chapters". I WANT to redo them but I don't know what to do after Kaminari kisses!? I made this stuff way too hard! Any ideas? If I DONT end up liking anything I write then I'll maybe. Keep them but "fix" them? 8've been stressing about this for some time because I dont feel like these are the best chapters I can write, have a really, really, nice day/night!♡♡


Blehhh...writing these chapters is getting kinda hard. I'll still write, obviously, but I may get slow...I have other things getting in the way. I'll still write but I may take some chapters off of the "we'll grow withih eachother" book. It will only be the "latest" and maybe one before that. I made the writing hard for myself and I'm trying to find the root cause! I'm so tired, and tired, and tired. Now:drink something, eat(even if it's just a little, I'm proud of you), and get at least an hour of sleep.♡♡♡  


@Love_megarbage maybe around four of the chapters...I'm sorry.


So...I again don't like my chapters(the latest two)...I honestly want it change them and I feel like I will. I think I made it so much harder with the "sat alone" chapter. It felt random and, to be fair, it was just a random chapter I made because I wanted to write about Tsu more. Becase I posted that chapter it got 8ncreasingky harder to make it all fit in. I'ma TRY and MAYBE(most likely) change my chaptersss...... Sorry. I do this quite a lot,
          Now, drink som3 water or drink some juice, take a small step to taking care of yourself(nothing big), eat whatever as long as you eat and sleep we're both happy.