
Hey guys, I'm kinda stuck on what direction I want 'Old Scars' to go in, would you guys want:
          	A) More smut
          	B) More Fluff
          	C) More Angst
          	D) More kinda slice of life without a lot of drama
          	E) All of the above


          I hope you enjoy my stories and have fun reading them!
          Always feel free to comment on anything! I love getting to hear from my readers!


@sgh101404 Ooooo, I am interested gonna read it tonight if i have time!


            I'm very glad you enjoyed reading TM (I am editing it a bit so beware lol)! I'm glad you like my writing style and I have thought of an original story and actually have a teaser on here for it (The Woods) that you can find on my profile if you're interested!


@sgh101404 I LOVE your books, especially 'Tease Me'!! last thursday I spent literaly 10 hours STRAIGHT reading the damn book. I could NOT put it back down!!!! Honestly your writing style is so good. You should do an original book to publish and sell.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t posted in soooooo long, I’ve been working on a project book that once I finish I’m planning on selling as a physical book.
          I want to start working on a new book maybe a Cove Holden x Fem reader? You guys can also leave suggestions as well, I will also be posting my BNHA oneshots book today hopefully.
          Love you all!


I relapsed today...
          I'm sorry...
          Stress has been killing me, school is awful. I don't wanna be alone on recess everyday.
          I feel like I may have done something to deserve this...
          To deserve being sexually abused, be bullied all my life, have an abusive and absent dad. Maybe I pissed off God someway... none of my friends want to talk to me, we've grown apart. My best friend only talks to me when he needs reassurance that he is accepted for being bi... he never picks up my calls, I text him and he leaves me on read. I used to have a beautiful singing voice and now it's ruined from all my sobs and quarantine. 
          I thought things would get better but they really haven't. I only have you guys, you help me keep a bright and happy mask on throughout the day.
          My mom says you only support me cause I write content for you guys, and maybe it's true, but at least I have a purpose. 
          I love you all


hey girlie pop! I want to let you know all of the feelings and emotions you feel are valid. You're parents and 'best friend' cannot keep controlling and manipulating you in different ways. The rare communication from your guy 'friend' is just giving you false hope and he's using you as a form of validation then tossing you away when he's satisfied. He doesn't acknowledge the lonely and broken girl he left behind because he's so focused on what he's going through and forgetting you. The Lord does not hate you my lovely, He will not put you through things you cannot overcome. I used to self-harm often when quarantine started, I am nor 1 year sober <3. I cannot even imagine the amount of pain and anger you feel but I want you to know that I hope it will get better. I hope you can find a sense fo comfort through this message and the amount of support and respect I have for you. To be able to still create content and stay floating while all this stuff is happening really highlights the amount of courage and strength you have. And no, we don't only support you because of your books. Though your books are what brought me to your page, the messages and updates you post are what gives me motivation to be a better person so I can help others and hope to never be like those toxic people on your life. Your messages give me a moment to check myself and keep myself accountable so I will not make anyone around me have to deal with what you are going through. I am completely and shamelessly proud of you and I will check your page more frequently and be on this journey with you. Pls stay safe girlie pop,    we can't let our favorite girl crumble alone


Thanks, it means a lot to me to hear those words. I will be cutting off my friendship with him, he can come back and get it anytime if he puts in enough work.
            I consider all of you guys my friends since you’re always there to support me when no one else will☺️
            I got some new friends recently, a guy in school who is really similar to me… he’s really kind… thank you again.
            I love you ☺️


Hey I just want you to know you don’t deserve anything bad you are going through. It’s okay to feel sad stressed and everything else that is weighing on you. As for your friends know that sometimes certain friendships are temporary in order to get you where you need to be. It opens your eyes as to the possibilities of making more friends and to understand that certain people are meant to be in our lives for that period of time and not too much longer. As for your best friend I would say let it go no matter how much it’s hurts because it’s hurting you trying to keep a friendship he doesn’t seem to want a friend whether they are busy or not makes time and it does seem like he is that person. I would say the best thing I would do if I were you I’d be by myself it’s okay to be in fact it will let you get to know yourself better and find peace. It might seem hard and that’s perfectly fine sometimes life has to be hard in order for it to get better. If you ever want someone to talk to although you might not know me or believe me we could be friends im open for you to message me at anytime. We could get to know each other. Just know certain things are temporary to get you to where you are going to go. You will be someone who’s worth everything even if it doesn’t seem like it now.


Hey guys! I’m working really hard to finish my math school year before the 10th so updates may be slow, even on my patreon. I haven’t slept in 3 days because of math, i’m 35% done with the year but I’m currently stuck in a difficult unit so…
          I also relapsed a few days ago because of the stress I was putting on myself… it was just once but it felt like i had broken a promise.
          Idk, this year has been shitty for everyone i guess and i just want to make your days a bit more enjoyable with my books.
          I’m so happy i have people like you who support me!
          Going off on a rant here but, you know how so many people turned their hobbies into businesses, i tried doing that with my crochet… it sold for a few days but then it didn’t, then i tried selling on etsy, they closed my account the next day…
          Then i tried patreon, nothing yet, which i understand, why pay to read something you can read for free in another platform.


Heya guys! I hope you're all holding up well.
          I wanted to let you knw that I've started a patreon where I'm publishing a new chapter for each of my books every week, for patrons only, the chapters will become public the next week, I'll also be posting exclusive chapters for  different tiers.
          I'm gonna upload here once a month.
          You'll also be getting shout outs if you become a patron (for my wattpad).