Hey guys! I’m working really hard to finish my math school year before the 10th so updates may be slow, even on my patreon. I haven’t slept in 3 days because of math, i’m 35% done with the year but I’m currently stuck in a difficult unit so…
I also relapsed a few days ago because of the stress I was putting on myself… it was just once but it felt like i had broken a promise.
Idk, this year has been shitty for everyone i guess and i just want to make your days a bit more enjoyable with my books.
I’m so happy i have people like you who support me!
Going off on a rant here but, you know how so many people turned their hobbies into businesses, i tried doing that with my crochet… it sold for a few days but then it didn’t, then i tried selling on etsy, they closed my account the next day…
Then i tried patreon, nothing yet, which i understand, why pay to read something you can read for free in another platform.