
@Souls_lost Thank you not-so-lost-soul. And it was a pleasure bouncing ideas & philosophy with you in the senior library, so I'm just as indebted :) 



          Hello there Miss (:
          [ tips hat in your direction... Literally!! ]
          Welcome to Wattpad!
          I haven't a clue whether it was my amazing poetry ( Modest am I not?! :P)
          that got you to make your very own Watts profile...
          We are now all part of the Power clan . . . 
          If your wondering where I'm getting this stuff from, let me just explain a bit (which I'm sure you already know, but a revision once in a while never does one harm, now does it ?! ).
          Watts being a scientist and The Watt being the S.I Unit of power, I'm pretty sure you'll understand where I'm coming from...!
          But I see that we've gone on a tangent... Ah, yes back to your welcoming to this site.
          Please do go through my recommended list which has some very good stories that are worth reading. May I suggest that you start off with 'Lone Wolf' and then ' Paying for his mistakes'. 2 books that are good enough to be published.
          I'll rearrange the list - putting the best ones first - in a day or two so no worries (:
          Ahh, I seem to be running late for an errand that I have to do for my Mother and so I'll stop here.
          From a student who'll always remain thankful and grateful for the companionship and care you showed towards me...
          Ever in your debt,
          Muhammad Abdulla (Maz/ Souls_lost)