
My eyes are halfway closed, but i pulled though and got a chapter done! :)


@loveisblindness_20 is there anyway you can email "burn into me" to me. I'm not a big fan of reading at all, but that was hands down my favorite story ever. I would love to read it again. I've been telling my friends about it and they seem really I interested.


@JoelLawes6  I'm really sorry but I think the author took down this story from wattpad. The author took down her profile as well and I tried looking for this story, but couldn't find it.  Sorry that I couldn't help


@Roobeena hey welcome to WATTPAD! I hope you'll love it and I'll definitely check out your story 


@LoveisBlindness_20 thank you !! ❤ yes please don't forget to check it out .. Today i just updated the fourth chapter .. Please if you're enjoying my story vote and comment .. Thanks a lot ...