
Save The Children Fund, an organization dedicated to supporting the lives of children and families caught up in the brutal violence and devastation of war, famine, and conflict. Civilians in areas like Sudan, Palestine (Gaza), the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ukraine are facing the brunt of the consequences of conflict. Various human rights abuses have destroyed the lives of many, including the young children who only wish to live their lives in peace, and do not deserve to the disastrous effects of human greed and selfishness. 
          	Here is the link!: 


Love that!


Save The Children Fund, an organization dedicated to supporting the lives of children and families caught up in the brutal violence and devastation of war, famine, and conflict. Civilians in areas like Sudan, Palestine (Gaza), the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ukraine are facing the brunt of the consequences of conflict. Various human rights abuses have destroyed the lives of many, including the young children who only wish to live their lives in peace, and do not deserve to the disastrous effects of human greed and selfishness. 
          Here is the link!: 


Love that!


Alright so I’m making a new book and the cover symbolizes three things. At the end of the book, I’m going to announce what everyone’s answer was, and the first to get it right, you get your name in the book! Stay tuned.