HELP I WAS AT THE DOCTOR TO GET MY PHYSICAL AND THEN SHE TOLD MY MOM IF SHE CAN TALK WITH ME IN PRIVATE AND MY MOM WENT OUT THE ROOM AND THEN THE DOCTOR TOLD ME IF I LIKED BOYS OR GIRLS OR BOTH, AND ME BEING A CLOSETED LESBIAN I DECIDED TO NOT TELL HER THE TRUTH AND SAY "I'm still not sure" AND THEN SHE SAYS "oh, well you look like you like girls since remember your last test when you came here and we had you be in a room with girls and then move you to another room with boys in them? Yeah I collected data by how you acted around them. With the room with only girls, you seemed sweet and touchy and also clingy. But with the room with only boys you were cold and distant towards them so I think that's why" I WAS SHOCKED